Tuesday, 3 October 2017


1.       The size of an ATM cell is .............. bytes.
(A) 25
(B) 32
(C) 53
(D) 64
Answer: C
2.       “Stored program concept is attributed to:
(A) Ken Thompson
(B) Dennis Ritchie
(C) Von Neumann
(D) Edsger Dijkstra
Answer: C
3.       In a UNIX system, the macro htons is used to:
(A) Convert a short number from host to network order
(B) Convert a long number from host to network order
(C) Convert a short number from network to host order
(D) Convert a long number from network to host order
Answer: A
4.       The cache which is on the same chip as the processor is called :
(A) L1
(B) L2
(C) L3
(D) None of these
Answer: A
5.       Which level of RAID uses mirroring to achieve redundancy?
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
Answer: B,D
6.       Which IEEE standard is refers to fast Ethernet?
(A) 802.1
(B) 802.3b                  
(C) 802.3u
(D) 802.12
Answer: C
7.       The new generation Intel processor with the IA-64 architecture is called
(A) Itanium
(B) Pentium 4
(C) Athlon
(D) Xeon
Answer: A
8.       A MAC address is ............. bytes long:
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 12
Answer: B
9.       RARP is used to convert:
(A) IP address to MAC address
(B) MAC address to IP address
(C) IP address to port number
(D) Port number to IP address
Answer: B
10.    Which among the following is an NP-Complete problem?
(A) 3SAT Problem
(B) Travelling Salesman
(D) Graph 3-coloring
(D) All of the above
Answer: D
11.    The solution to the count-to-infinity problem in which a router never advertises the cost of a destination to its neighbour N, if N is the next hop to that destination, is called:
(A) Triggered update
(B) Source tracing
(C) Split-horizon
(D) Path vector
Answer: C
12.    A compiler which runs on one machine and produces target code for another is called a:
(A) Bootstrapping compiler
(B) Just-in-time compiler
(C) Cross compiler
(D) Optimizing compiler
Answer: C
13.    Which among the following is an interior routing protocol?
Answer: A
14.    The maximum length (in bytes) of an IP packet:
(A) 255
(B) 1023
(C) 32767
(D) 65535
Answer: D
15.    Which among the following is not a type of HTTP request?
Answer: C
16.    Which among the following is not a real time operating system?
(A) RT-Linux
(B) VxWorks
(C) Solaris
(D) Lynx
Answer: C
17.    What is returned by a fork() call to the child process?
(A) 0
(B) Process-id-pf parent
(C) Process-id of child
(D) -1
Answer: A
18.    The degree of multiprogramming is controlled primarily by?
(A) Short-term scheduler
(B) Medium-term scheduler
(C) Long-term scheduler
(D) Disk scheduler
Answer: C
19.    Which of the following is a high-level synchronization concept?
(A) Interrupt
(B) Semaphore
(C) Mutex
(D) Monitor
Answer: D
20.    Paging solves the problem of:
(A) Thrashing
(B) Page faults
(C) Internal fragmentation
(D) External Fragmentation
Answer: D


  1. 3. Explanation:

    • htons(): reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from processor order to network order. The macro name can be read "host to network short."

    • htonl(): reorder the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned value from processor order to network order. The macro name can be read "host to network long."

    • ntohs(): reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from network order to processor order. The macro name can be read "network to host short."

    • ntohl(): reorder the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned value from network order to processor order. The macro name can be read "network to host long."

  2. 10. Explanation:

    NP means Non-deterministic Polynomial time and P means deterministic Polynomial time.

  3. 17. Explanation:

    In the child process, the return value of fork() is 0, whereas the return value in the parent process is the PID of the newly created child process.
