Monday, 11 September 2017

HSST CS QP 2011 - Part 1


  1. Answers

    1. B
    2. A
    3. C
    4. A
    5. X
    6. D
    7. A
    8. B
    9. String
    10. D
    11. A
    12. C
    13. D
    14. A
    15. A

  2. 5.Explanation:

    Circular queue is a linear data structure. In circular queue the last node is connected back to the first node to make a circle. Circular linked list follow the First In First Out principle. Elements are added at the rear end and the elements are deleted at front end of the queue.

    Queue is an abstract data structure. Queue is opened at both ends. One end is always used to insert data and the other is used to remove data. Queue follows First-In-First-Out methodology, i.e., the data item stored first will be accessed first.

    A double-ended queue is an abstract data type similar to a simple queue, it allows you to insert and delete from both sides.
